If you search on your home address, your Real Estate Video Tour will be visible on page one or two of the major search engines – usually within days – even hours. Your real estate videos are marketed and distributed on many sites all over the web – all included in the cost of your video tour!

A video is 50 times more likely than a text page on the same topic to appear on the first page of Google search results. – Forrester Research
Additionally, Google, Bing and Yahoo’s Universal Search is randomly placing thumbnails next to video search results, attracting the eye FIRST, even before the #1 search result. And… you can play the full size video in the search results window!
THE MYTH: The most popular place consumers look for homes online is Realtor.comĀ® or Zillow.
THE FACT: The most popular place consumers look for homes online is Google!
Realtor.com is the website owned by Move, Inc. and licensed by NAR to be their only authorized website. They claim to be the most popular Internet shopping site for homes. In the last half of 2019, Realtor.com received 75M total visits vs. Zillow’s 161M visits.
In 2019, Google owned 88.65% of search engine market share in the United States. In 2018, there were 13 billion real estae search queries on Google. Based on these figures, clearly, the most popular place for Internet buyers to look for homes online is Google, not Realtor.com or Zillow.

You need to tap in to Google and other major search engines.
What does that mean for you?
- More eyeballs on your listing. You can even see how many people view the tour.
- A link directly to your personal website.
- Your listing video, with your name, phone number and a link to your website – will be found on Google’s main search – sometimes even multiple times!